F Cup #47, 2019


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F Cup #47 is part of a series of 50 porcelain cups created for the show 400 Cups curated by Shirley Bhatnagar in 2019 in New Delhi. What started as an exploration of the theme ‘Poke Me’ sent as a prompt by the curator evolved into the depiction of a finger standing as a metaphor for the injunctions, both external and internalized, that women face regarding the hair on their body. The artist hopes that the inclusion of this cup into daily life will prompt conversations that can help to question and shift mindsets, even if ever so slightly, even if by a hair.

The cup is signed and numbered at the bottom and is safe to use for food or drinks.

Porcelain, black vitreous slip, transparent glaze

Diameter: 8.5 cm
Height: 7 cm